Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kids and their Pets

In case you haven't noticed, J is slow on posting updates, so I have taken over for a few days.

I put the kids down for bed last night at their normal time and at 3:30 Samantha woke up at her usual time for a bottle. So when I go in there, I notice that she is not laying how I put her. She had scooted 1/2 way across her crib and her head was pushing against the crib, which upset her. I kinda thought that was weird, but thought that maybe J had moved her at some time. I decided not to worry about it and sit down in the rocker to feed her.

I ALWAYS close her door to feed her because the rocking chair squeeks but last night for some reason I didn't. case you don't know, we have a dog named Scout that is an 80+ pound lab mix that absolutely loves the kids. He pushed the door open, patrolled the room and laid down on my feet to sleep. So I get up, while still feeding Samantha, and kick him out of the room. AGAIN, I didn't get the door latched and he came back, patrolled the room and fell asleep on my feet. But he did leave when the bottle was empty without any fighting, so that was good. I've also noticed the last few days that whenever Taylor goes down for his nap, Scout sleeps in the hallway right outside his door. I'm not sure if Scout is growing up or if he just realizes that the kids are 'his' and feels the need to guard them.

Pets and kids, they have an amazing relationship.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Cardinals game

On Saturday, J and I went to St. Louis for a Cardinals game. We dropped the kids off at the in-laws and headed to the ballgame. My father-in-law bbq'd lunch for us before the game so that we didn't go broke eating at the ballgame. (We still ended up having nacho's but that's beside the point).

It was a wonderful treat to spend a few hours doing 'adult' things and not having to chase children. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but it was nice to spend time with J. We did seem to notice all of the children and babies while we were there but realized that we didn't have to do anything with them, but watch the parents chase them. It was wonderful.

The game was wonderful and we had seats that were in the shade the whole time, it was an awesome day. And when the game was over and we went home, we arrived to Taylor yelling "Mommy, Daddy", so it was nice to be missed and be back with my family.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

NASA is geeky

While this may not sound like much news to most people I was reading how the Phoenix lander that is currently on mars has a Twitter account. Something about being able to get news through NASA from Twitter really strikes my fancy. For instance, they posted shortly after they recieved and image back from Phoenix that they believe shows ice under the lander.

I've been using Twitter for awhile now and really like how it combines the best of blogs, IM and RSS feeds. If you haven't sign up and follow me.